
Pause a cloudberry backup
Pause a cloudberry backup

pause a cloudberry backup

Now, you are free to choose your own storage, and to shop around and switch storage solutions when it makes sense to do so. The CloudBerry approach, which I think of as Bring Your Own Storage, or BYOS, eliminates the guessing game that often accompanies picking a backup provider. It is an astonishingly complete product, and it comes with a key advantage over most of the competition: CloudBerry Lab doesn’t sell or resell storage. Instead, CloudBerry Backup is a comprehensive backup solution that should meet the needs of both individuals and businesses of any size. To be clear, the product’s maker, CloudBerry Lab, doesn’t just target individuals.


I don’t expect you to blindly believe that I could be swayed by the needs of a sponsor, but then you can find out for yourself: CloudBerry Backup is available for free to individuals, and you can try it for yourself. Indeed, I am both happy and relieved to point out that we’re now 2-for-2 in the quality department when it comes to these sponsorships. One of the worries I have is that we’ll be approached by a potential sponsor and I’ll need to explain to my coworkers-or the potential sponsor-that their product simply doesn’t meet my expectations, or that it doesn’t meet the level of quality where I would feel comfortable reviewing it.

pause a cloudberry backup

And it is important that I discuss that for a moment. One of the most complete of these, CloudBerry Backup, is currently sponsoring the First Ring Daily podcast here at. And when you survey the available options, you’ll find that there are many good choices in each category. And regardless of where you or your organization is, you have an incredible range of choices, from local redundancy and backup to full-on cloud backup and to an array of hybrid solutions that sit in the middle and may ultimately emerge as a best practice, of sorts, for the current era. Today, our backup needs are as numerous as they are diverse. But the need for a good backup strategy-the “what”-has been consistent.

pause a cloudberry backup


Since then, I’ve simplified my personal infrastructure, and I now use a prosumer NAS instead of a Windows Server. Those latter products were vastly simplified, for good and bad, but they offered some level of integration with various services, including, over time, backup services both local in the cloud. So I moved through various versions of Windows Server, and eventually migrated to Windows Home Server and then Windows Server Essentials. It was a way to keep my skills up to date so that I could write about the technology more effectively. For me specifically, it was a way to stay familiar with Microsoft technologies at a time in which I was no longer implementing them professionally. Doing so was pragmatic in a number of ways: For those working in IT, this has always been a good way to keep up with the technologies one was using at work or soon would be. Like many of you, I spent many years trying to duplicate the Microsoft corporate infrastructure we’re familiar with at home. Naturally, this strategy evolved over time with the technology. And while I have strayed from time-to-time, I’ve always believed in and preached the importance of maintaining a solid backup strategy. Those experiences have guided my subsequent interactions with data backup across a wide range of local and cloud solutions over time.

pause a cloudberry backup

And in discovering this horrible reality, I found restore religion too. Restore is the other side of the backup coin, of course. In doing so, I discovered that the tapes we had backed up to were unreadable.


A few years later, when we dismantled that web server-a $5500 Dell with a Pentium Pro 166 processor-I decided to use the tape backup elsewhere. The final irony here is that the tape backup we bought never actually worked. Hey, it was the 1990s.īut that is only part of the story. And as part of our fix, we finally did what we should have done in the first place. A trip to Fry’s Electronics and about $2000 later, we were able to fix the problem and do so, delicately, without losing any data. We slept, awkwardly, in our boss’s VW Jetta when we finally realized at some awful hour of the night that we needed more parts. Long story short, a co-worker and I spent the entire night there troubleshooting the server. And I needed to fly out immediately and race down to a co-location facility in San Jose to fix the problem. Our one web server, the only source of all of our data, had come up lame. I was working in my second IT-related job, as the webmaster and a jack of all tech trades, for a small San Francisco Bay-area start-up. My come to religion moment with backup happened in the late 1990s.

Pause a cloudberry backup