
Before your eyes story explained
Before your eyes story explained

before your eyes story explained


Why is she in his dreams? Or does this support the theory that the entire movie is dream. What is odd is that he hasn’t even met Sophia yet. Julie’s voice comes the second time, once David wakes up from his dream of deserted times square. first in Spanish (the title of the original film). When the film starts, a voice says “open your eyes” over and over.Secrets – Many of these are reader submissions.

before your eyes story explained

His father wrote “THE BOOK”… The book was called Defending the Kingdom… The magazine is called Rise… The ideas of David’s Christlike-ness are from the following ideas.More importantly, Tilda Swinton is exactly the kind of personality you would expect the devil to have at the time of one’s death, vaguely sexy, assuring, calming, and persuasive… David is asked many times “Did you sign a Contract? the dream like utopian scenes between Sophia and David). While his life is passing before his eyes, he is also being tempted to sell his soul to the devil for the chance to make things right (i.e.

before your eyes story explained

As he is dying, his life is passing before his eyes. #6 – Christian Metaphors – A Story of Divinity – David commits suicide, finally driven to it by the guilt over the death of Julie Gianni.Like retelling a story that you know ends badly, you may create clues to take the edge off or tip off your subconscious that this is a reflection, a memory, not reality. You are relying on the unreliable narrator as to the details like his love sort of being all around him before he meets her, his fears, dates and the music. I think a fair interpretation is that the reflections have been tampered with by the subconscious to reflect his love for Sophia and the regret of his carelessness with Julie.

before your eyes story explained

David’s sessions seem to be reflections of his past. Tech support states that David has been asleep 125 years. However, the events are real until the splice, at which time they become fiction.

  • #5 – The whole thing is a dream in that the depictions we see take place as reflections within a dream.
  • #4 – The movie is writer Brian Shelby’s fictional story about his friend (David Aames).
  • The only “real” scene in the entire film would be the last, as he wakes up.
  • #3 – The entire film is a dream as David struggles with his vanity, his sexual past, his ideal woman, etc.
  • #2 – Everything up to the car wreck was “real” and the rest of the entire film was ALL in David’s head as he lie in a coma (until the end when he wakes up).
  • The sound you hear is David awakening in the future. David commits suicide, he is frozen and the splice occurs, etc.
  • #1 – The movie is just as its explained.
  • “Divorcing it from whether Paul was really dead or not, that was a really great parlor game: searching for clues, the excitement of different layers, some of them chilling, some of them really funny. As deep as you want to go with it, my desire was for the movie to meet you there.”Ĭrowe also referred to the “clues” as his version of the “Paul is Dead” rumor (the notorious Beatles hoax from the late-’60s, when fans became convinced through song lyrics, sonic tricks, and album art that Paul McCartney had died and was replaced by a look-alike). Some of them are obvious, others aren’t and many are a bit of a stretch.Ĭrowe says it best in the Vanilla Sky production notes: “We constructed the movie, visually and story-wise, to reveal more and more the closer you look at it. I have compiled is a list of theories, clues or hidden messages throughout the film by readers of the site. Throughout the journey this film takes you on, there are many clues and references left along the way to either further explain the film or just give it more depth. V anilla Sky is a film that strives off of playing with your mind.

    Before your eyes story explained